EMS License Trainer

EMS Expert Back Training – take up a specialist role in the EMS market.

Back pain is the No.1 common ailment! We provide you with the optimal background knowledge and the right EMS practice for different back-related issues.

EMS-Training offers an effective and evidence-based option for the prevention and treatment of non-specific back pain. Studies show that supervised EMS applications are as effective for the relief of non-specific back pain as the so called „gold standard“ for conventional back strengthening training – with the added benefit of lower time commitment with just 20 minutes once a week and joint-friendly strengthening of the muscles.

Moreover, the electrical impulses are able to reach deep lying muscle structures that stabilise the spine, so passive core muscle structures can be reached with effective stimuli..

This course is suitable for trainers and therapists as well. It includes in-depth medical background. The content focuses on both, prevention and treatment of certain medical conditions and how EMS can help support.

How can you as an EMS provider exercise with such a client in a meaningful way? The course is aimed at all who want to care competently for their clients with back issues. Specific programs for loosening tense muscles, strength endurance programs and strength training programs will be examined in detail. A perfect combination workshop for all EMS Trainers and Therapists that want to raise their competence in their clients back strengthening.

upcoming courses

  • Über 8000 Absolventen

  • Seit über 20 Jahren marktführend

  • Weltbekannte Experten als Referenten

  • Bekannt aus Fernsehen, Literatur & Radio

Erfahrungsberichte von Teilnehmern

Informiere Dich über die Meinung und das Feedback zahlreicher Teilnehmer, wie hilfreich unsere Ausbildung für ein erfolgreiches Arbeiten im Fitness- und Gesundheitsbereich ist.

Spannende Referenten, viel Praxis

Sehr sehr gut

Stefan Janik

Videos sehr lehrreich und gut vorbereitet. Klare Sprache. Referenten spitze!

Bin begeistert

Stefan Janik

Ich hätte mir mehr Praxisanteile gewünscht.

Alles in allem eine sehr gute Schule wenn man viel erreichen möchte.

Linda Schmitz

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