EMS International License Trainer Courses

EMS International License Trainer Courses

The EMS License Trainer Courses- remote or Onsite

Right from the start, you should focus on a good and professional EMS education, which provides you with all the important basics for your professional work.

During the course you will have intensive learning with our instructors, who themselves have years of experience as successful PTs and EMS studio owners. This allows them to give you valuable advice for building up your EMS business, meeting the needs of your clients and thus being a successful EMS trainer. At the end of the course, you will receive an internationally recognized EMS Training Expert Certification, which will give you a safe start into your future professional life as an EMS Trainer.

What makes EMS so fabulous?

The EMS device stimulates 90% of muscle fibres to be activated together via impulses sent to the body. Thus, a 20-minute EMS personal training session is as effective as about three hours of conventional strength training. Its effectiveness is proven in numerous scientific studies.

These are some of the numerous advantages of EMS training:

  • Is effective and time saving
  • Enhances strength and endurance
  • Builds lean sculpture
  • Reduces fat
  • Gives great posture
  • Relieves back pain
  • Improves sport performance

During the time the GluckerKolleg has developed into one of the world’s leading trainin providers for EMS. If you want to learn more about EMS and get licensed as an EMS trainer browse here.

We offer you the opportunity to get your education as a certified EMS trainer at a selected training institute worldwide with experienced and highly educated EMS instructors.

Have you already taken part in one of our numerous EMS license trainer courses and would now like to acquire even more knowledge? Then attend one of our EMS advanced courses. Here you can learn even more about EMS training system and the specific areas of application.

Your education powered by GluckerKolleg ensures you a profound curriculum and makes you a trainer who achieves a high quality with a license endorsed and recognized by numerous fitness associations worldwide.

recognized by

  • Über 8000 Absolventen

  • Seit über 20 Jahren marktführend

  • Weltbekannte Experten als Referenten

  • Bekannt aus Fernsehen, Literatur & Radio

Erfahrungsberichte von Teilnehmern

Informiere Dich über die Meinung und das Feedback zahlreicher Teilnehmer, wie hilfreich unsere Ausbildung für ein erfolgreiches Arbeiten im Fitness- und Gesundheitsbereich ist.

Spannende Referenten, viel Praxis

Sehr sehr gut

Stefan Janik

Videos sehr lehrreich und gut vorbereitet. Klare Sprache. Referenten spitze!

Bin begeistert

Stefan Janik

Ich hätte mir mehr Praxisanteile gewünscht.

Alles in allem eine sehr gute Schule wenn man viel erreichen möchte.

Linda Schmitz

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